At last, it's ready! Igor, come quickly! It's finished.
What, Master?
My evil creation, which will bring untold misery to mankind. I call it Junior High!
Show me, Master!
I started by creating an extremely awkward stage of life. I call it a "Tween." He's no longer cute, but not yet useful; old enough to like girls but too young to know that AXE body spray won't attract them. And he's outgrown his parents but cannot yet drive, so he has to be dropped off at parties by Mom, the chauffeur of shame.
我藉由創造出一個人生中極度尷尬的階段起頭。我稱之為「小屁孩」。他不再可愛,但也還沒啥用處; 大到可以喜歡女孩子了,但還太嫩不知道 AXE 體香噴霧並不會吸引她們。他已經長得比他的父母還大隻,但他還不能開車,所以他必須讓媽媽載到派對去--帶來羞恥的司機啊。
That does sound dreadful.
But the parents don't stop there—oh no! They also make the children wear this invention. I call them braces. They'll make her look better by the time she's grown up and secure by making her look worse at the most vulnerable time in her life. But don't worry: they're extremely painful.
Yes, sir, that is quite evil.
Thank you.
So where does junior high come in?
That's where things really get fun, Igor. For example, I'm making this one study geometry and algebra. At first he hated it. But then after lots of hard work and perseverance, he still really hated it.
Well, will he at least use them in his future career?
Yes, if he ever teaches geometry or algebra.
You mean they exist only for themselves?
They're the Kardashians of the math world.
You are sadistic, Master.
But I don't stop there. I've even modified their biology. I've timed the growth spurt so that boys like this are suddenly shorter than all the girls in their grade. True, his voice is getting deeper, but at humiliating moments it will betray him with a squeak that would embarrass the Vienna Boys' Choir. Oh, and then there's the facial hair. It starts out faint and wispy. And there it remains, like someone took scissors to a toothbrush.
But what about the girls?
I was talking about the girls.
Oh! So cruel, Master!
Oh, and here is my finest creation—acne.
Will it go away?
That's what his parents tell him, but really, never. One day he'll wake up and start his morning with both acne treatment and denture insertion. It's like immortal pubescent face leprosy!
You are way too happy about that.
Ah, junior high, how I love it! Absolutely anything can make them miserable. This one just realized she'll never get that letter from Hogwarts—not a good day for little hormoning Myrtle.
Please, let the madness stop!
Ah, but I haven't told you the best part, Igor. I take all of these tortured souls and quarantine them in their own schools, like a tank full of awkward betta fish. I've made it so cliquey that, secretly, no one's popular! Isn't it beautiful!
No! Your ideas will never catch on.
Won't they, Igor? I've already produced my own horror film. I call it Junior High School Musical, full of terrors beyond description: detentions, baggy gym shorts, three-ring binders whose rings won't line up!
Enough! Okay, run away!
Run away and be free! No, Igor! You fool!
Go! No!
Go, you tweens!
You've unleashed a far greater evil on the world...that was One Direction.
Well, hello! Have you subscribed to Studio C? Because now's the chance, you won't get any other opportunities after any other YouTube videos. It's the only one. OK, but you should anyway. Or you can wait; maybe watch a few more things and see if you like it. And if you do, then you can subscribe. You know, don't dive in too fast, even though it's all...all really funny. Don't take my word for it.
嗯,哈囉!你訂閱 Studio C 頻道了沒?因為現在就是那好機會啦,在任何其它 YouTube 影片播完後你將不會再有任何其它訂閱的機會。這是唯一機會。好吧,但總之你應該訂閱。或者你可以等等;或許再看點東西然後看看你是否喜歡這頻道。如果你喜歡,那麼你就可以訂閱了。你知道,別太急著訂閱,即使這全部...全部都非常有趣。別聽我的話。
- 「不再」- No Longer
He's no longer cute, but not yet useful...
他不再可愛,但也還沒啥用處... - 「至少」- At Least
Well, will he at least use them in his future career?
嗯,他至少會在他的未來職涯中用到幾何和代數吧? - 「消失、離開」- Go Away
Will it go away?
它會消失嗎? - 「流行」- Catch On
No! Your ideas will never catch on.
不!你的鬼點子永遠不會流行的。 - 「熱切地開始做某事」- Dive In
You know, don't dive in too fast, even though it's all...all really funny.
你知道,別太急著訂閱,即使這全部...全部都非常有趣。 - 「相信某人說的話」- Take Someone's Word For It
Don't take my word for it.