Summer Reading 2017 by Bill Gates
比爾蓋茲的 2017 夏日閱讀書單
I had a chance to catch up on a lot of reading recently, and there are a number of great books.
Born a Crime by Trevor Noah. I've been watching Trevor, and I was reading such heavy books; I thought, Hey, I'll just read this. It's Trevor growing up in South Africa, where the categories are so arbitrary, and he hasn't fit any category. But the whole idea of this South Africa, what that was like, his insightfulness comes through very well.
Trevor Noah 寫的《生來有罪 (暫譯)》。我一直有看 Trevor 的節目,然後我那時在讀很嚴肅的書;所以我就想,嘿,那我就來讀這本吧。裡面是 Trevor 在南非的成長故事,南非對種族分類十分專制不講理,而他不屬於任何一個類別。不過整本書對於南非、南非是怎樣的樣貌,作者的深刻體悟表露無遺。
Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance. It's an amazing story of a kid who grows up in Kentucky and Ohio in a hillbilly family and manages to become a lawyer graduating from Yale Law School. The chaotic nature of being in a family where resources are short, people aren't happy, people turn to drugs, alcohol, you can't count on your parents to be around—I really felt I got a glimpse of something honest.
J.D. Vance 的《鄉巴佬的輓歌(暫譯)》。這是個很棒的故事,描述在肯塔基州和俄亥俄州一個偏鄉家庭長大的孩子,卻成功變成從耶魯法學院畢業的律師的故事。那種先天存在的混亂,生在一個資源短缺的家庭,沒有人開心,人們開始吸毒、酗酒,你沒辦法指望父母在身邊--我真的覺得自己窺得某種真實樣貌。
The Heart by Maylis de Kerangal. This is one that my wife, Melinda, found—incredibly well-written. It's about a young man who dies and his heart's being transplanted to another patient. You know, be ready to cry a little bit, as you get so connected to the people.
Maylis de Kerangal 的《那顆心(暫譯)》。這一本是我老婆 Melinda 看到的--文筆非常好。故事是關於一個死去的年輕男子,而他的心臟被移植到另一名病人身上。準備好掉幾滴淚吧,因為你會和人們產生很深的連結。
A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety by Jimmy Carter. He's a very thoughtful person about big issues. You know, he didn't go into politics just to win. He had a certain viewpoint about behavior, and he had a nuanced view of racial relations, you know, shows how brave he is.
Jimmy Carter 的《充實的一生:回顧人生九十(暫譯)》。他是個很關心重大議題的人。你知道,他不是只為了贏才投入政治。他對人的行為自有一套見解,而且他對種族關係的觀點和人不太一樣,那顯示出他有多勇敢。
Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari. He wrote Sapiens. And he's again telling us about where humanity is, what we've achieved, and how to think about the problems that are close to not being problems—war, famine, health—and looking at where do we go from here.
Yuval Noah Harari 的《人類大命運:從智人到神人》。作者寫過《人類大歷史》。而他又再次告訴我們人目前的處境、我們的成就,以及如何省思那些即將不成問題的問題--戰爭、飢荒、健康--並思考我們未來會走向何處。
Those are some of my recent favorites. I hope you'll try a few of them and enjoy them this summer.