In Hollywood, everything is magic and make-believe...
Gloves with paper clips are dog paws.
...even what you hear.
We are storytellers with sound.
Over here we have a feather duster. We use for bird—bird wings.
We bring sound into the story, and we can create any mood with that sound.
When you watch a film, much of what you're hearing was created—from footsteps on a snowy path to a vicious thunderstorm.
Weather is a really interesting thing to recreate on.
Now make it exciting.
It depends on the elements that we're using and how it's filmed and what they want to hear.
Here at the Warner Brothers lot, Foley artists practice their craft. And if they do their jobs right, you won't even notice.
People take sound for granted. But, you would miss it if it wasn't there.
Foley is the art of sound; it's creating sounds in sync with what's happening on the screen. The art of Foley goes back to the old radio days, where you would see the sound guys with their clomping with their coconuts.
This is what we use for horse hooves. They're plungers. And we stuff them with cloth and a little tape. And, here we go.
Jack Foley came in, and he thought, "If I do those sounds in sync with the picture, I've just taken a whole step out."
Jack Foley 這號人物出現,他心想:「如果我能用後製的方法將聲音與畫面同步,我就邁出了一大步。」
Jack Foley's legacy in sound began in the 1920s, as talkies swept Hollywood. Ever since, the reproduction of sound effects added to film in postproduction is called the art of Foley.
Jack Foley 的傳說始於 1920 年代,隨著有聲電影一起席捲好萊塢。從那時起,電影後製時加進後製音效的技術便以他為名(中文稱擬音,英文稱 Foley)。
A Foley stage consists of different surfaces.
This is walking on leaves or in a forest.
For snow, what we normally use is regular play sand. And then, to add to that, sometimes you hear that familiar crunch, which we use cornstarch. Your ear hears snow, but in actuality, it's sand.
It's almost like a prop house. We have collected different things because everything here should make a sound.
Here's a classic squeaky hinge. Pine cones can be used for cracking ice.
You have the three people that are on the stage, the mixer and the two Foley artists, which, it's important that you have a team that's cohesive.
You know, something's cracking, popping; I don't know what it is.
Is it this?
Sometimes it takes a little trial and error to see what works best.
Hold on.
We have a streamer that goes across the screen, and when the streamer gets to the end, that tells us when that sound should start.
It's an interesting dance. There's really nothing that we can't do here, imagination-wise.
Right now, we're in the control room, and it's where I mix. And I listen to them performing to the picture. I try not to look at them, because I really don't want to see what they're using; I want to see how it sounds.
That's amazing provided the Foley team some weather footage and asked them to bring it to life.
All sound is two elements hitting one another.
With rain, if it's hitting a puddle, or if it's hitting someone's face, that's all gonna sound different. So those are very specific little things that we have to watch and look at.
Okay, Mary Jo.
好,Mary Jo。
Here we go.
Wind is interesting because it's usually what the wind is blowing through.
Alyson is gonna use the Batman cape to create the sails, and I'm going to create the boat actually going through the water. Okay. Let's go!
Alyson 會用這件蝙蝠俠斗篷來模擬風帆聲,而我要製造船駛過海水的聲音。好。開始吧!
If we're doing a boat going through waves, we would use the big tub that we have to get that slapping sound or churning up the water a lot in the tub with our hands.
It's a lot of sound, like—like a lot of things artistic, it's very subjective, so I have to make that judgment call. There's a great moment when you get the perfect sound, and they don't always know it, but I do.
How was that, Mary Jo?
怎麼樣,Mary Jo?
Sounded great!
When there are multiple weather elements involved, we might do all the specific things first, and then go back and do maybe a general sound.
We have a shot here of a hiker coming down the waterfall, so I'm doing the sound of the carabiner and his rope and his equipment.
How was that?
That was cool.
So, I'm gonna play it back all together and see what we've got.
We really layer everything so the mixers can mix how they wanna hear it. And we do things also that are a little over the top because we have to fight with music, sometimes dialogue. But, hopefully, when you hear it at home, it'll sound just like it should be—natural.
- 「將某物視為理所當然」- Take Something For Granted
People take sound for granted.
人們將聲音視為理所當然。 - 「反覆試驗」- Trial And Error
Sometimes it takes a little trial and error to see what works best.
有時候需要反覆試驗才能知道什麼效果最好。 - 「劇烈攪動、翻攪」- Churn Up
If we're doing a boat going through waves, we would use the big tub that we have to get that slapping sound or churning up the water a lot in the tub with our hands.
如果要創造船隻破浪前進的聲音,我們會用我們有的這個大缸盆來製造海浪拍打的聲響,或用手大量翻攪缸盆裡的水。 - 「過頭」- Over The Top
And we do things also that are a little over the top because we have to fight with music, sometimes dialogue.