Glancing around his room, Gerry saw the usual mess. There were shelves overloaded with books, old comics, and magazines. Many more were lying around on the floor, and there were even a few old toys he couldn't bear to throw away. His closet was bursting with clothes, most of which he never wore anymore. Gerry thought about tidying up for a moment, then sighed, lay down and picked up a magazine instead.
Gerry 環視他的房間,看到了一如往常的髒亂。書架堆滿了書、舊漫畫、雜誌。地板上散置更多,甚至有一些他捨不得丟掉的舊玩具。他的衣櫃裝滿了衣服,大部分的衣服他都不再穿了。有一會兒 Gerry 思考著整理整理,然後,他嘆了口氣,躺了下來,反而撿起一本雜誌。
A few days later, Gerry was browsing through a book lent to him by his sister, who normally couldn't stand going into his room. As he read, he came to realize that it could provide the solution to his disorganized lifestyle. The book outlined a way of life called "minimalism," a philosophy through which some people find happiness by simplifying their lives. They get rid of many material possessions, keeping only the things they truly need or simply cannot bear to part with. In the process, they may feel they have recovered control, enhanced their personal well-being, and started living more meaningful lives.
幾天後,Gerry 在瀏覽一本他姊姊借他的一本書,他姊姊通常無法忍受走進他的房間。當他在閱讀時,他漸漸了解到這本書可以對他沒有條理的生活方式提供解決辦法。這本書勾畫一種生活方式叫「極簡主義」,經由這種人生哲學,有些人藉著簡化生活找到了幸福。他們摒棄許多的物質財物,只留下他們真正需要或無法捨棄的事物。在這過程中,他們可能感覺他們重新獲得控制,改善他們個人的幸福,並開始過著更有意義的生活。
The notion of minimalism has been around for centuries, and people normally just referred to it as "living simply," or something like that. In the last few years, however, there has been an eruption of online blogs, magazine articles, and even best-selling books declaring the advantages of "decluttering." That means buying fewer things in addition to throwing away much of the junk choking your living space. You may think a "minimalist" is someone living in a sparsely decorated room with few possessions, all of them neatly packed away. For most of us, though, simply adopting an anti-cluttering attitude can bring about improvements that will make life a little less complicated, even if that only comes down to being able to find some missing keys.
On the other hand, knowing what to throw away might not be as easy as it sounds. It can be hard to discard something you have a strong attachment to, for example. A best-selling book by Marie Kondo called The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up contains lots of useful advice. One method she suggests is to start by removing everything from your closets, drawers, and shelves and putting them in a big pile. Then you go through the pile one thing at a time and ask yourself if each item brings you joy. If it doesn't, then it is a strong candidate for disposal.
These days, lots of students are drowning in the ocean of stuff they possess. Perhaps you recognize yourself in Gerry. If so, having fewer possessions will present you with the opportunity to enjoy more space, more time, more peace, and more freedom. You may see that there is much more to life than owning things. By throwing out unnecessary material goods, you will be making more room in your heart and mind for the "stuff" that really matters. Gerry understands this and is eager to learn more from his sister's book. Unfortunately, it has mysteriously disappeared under a pile of other things.
現今,許多學生淹沒在他們所擁有事物的汪洋中。或許你在 Gerry 身上看到自己。要是如此,擁有較少的個人物品會使你有機會享受更多的空間、更多的時間、更多的寧靜、更多的自由。你可能會了解到人生中有比擁有許多東西更重要的事。藉著丟棄不需要的物質,你能騰出更多的心靈空間來儲放真正重要的東西。Gerry 已經領悟到這一點,急切地要從他姊姊的書中學得更多。不幸地,那本書已經神秘地消失在一堆其他的東西底下了。
- glance [glæns] v.
Penny glanced over the magazine in the store, but she wasn't interested enough to buy it.
Penny 在商店裡快速看了一下雜誌,但沒有足夠興趣購買。 - glance [glæns] n.
Mrs. Cummins took a glance through the window and saw her neighbor passing by.
Cummins 女士透過窗戶看了一眼,看見她的鄰居經過。 - mess [mɛs] n.
After the wild party, Jack's whole apartment was in a mess, and it took him three days to clean up.
瘋狂聚會之後,Jack 整個公寓亂成一團,他花了三天才收拾乾淨。 - overload [͵ovɚˋlod] v.
If you overload the truck, it will consume a lot more gas, and you might also cause some damage to it.
如果你讓卡車超載,會消耗更多汽油,而且還可能造成一些損壞。 - comic [ˋkɑmɪk] n.
Graham has a big collection of comics, and his favorites are the Batman and Superman ones.
Graham 有大量漫畫收藏,最喜歡的是蝙蝠俠和超人。 - comic [ˋkɑmɪk] adj.
It's a really funny movie, with a great comic performance by the leading actor.
這是部非常有趣的電影,主要演員的喜劇表演非常棒。 - sigh [saɪ] v.
Amanda sighed when she realized there were still three more hours until she could go home.
當 Amanda 意識到她還要三個小時才能回家,她嘆了口氣。 - sigh [saɪ] n.
After waiting for over an hour, we all gave a sigh of relief when the bus finally arrived.
等了一個多小時之後,公車終於來了,我們都鬆了一口氣。 - lifestyle [ˋlaɪf͵staɪl] n.
Eric liked his new lifestyle so much that he decided to stay in California.
Eric 非常喜歡他的新生活方式,所以決定留在加州。 - outline [ˋaʊt͵laɪn] v.
At the beginning of the meeting, Joseph outlined his ideas about the new product.
會議一開始,Joseph 概述了他對新產品的看法。 - outline [ˋaʊt͵laɪn] n.
Here is a brief outline of what we will be studying in class this semester.
以下是我們這學期課堂學習內容的簡要大綱。 - simplify [ˋsɪmplə͵faɪ] v.
Jacob still couldn't understand the concept, so the professor simplified her explanation further.
Jacob 還是不明白這個概念,所以教授進一步簡化她的解釋。 - enhance [ɪnˋhæns] v.
Reading this book has enhanced my understanding of international law.
閱讀這本書增進了我對國際法的理解。 - meaningful [ˋminɪŋfəl] adj.
I like movies that have a meaningful theme and try to send out a good message.
我喜歡主題有意義且試圖傳遞出良好訊息的電影。 - notion [ˋnoʃən] n.
It's an interesting notion, but is there any evidence that it is really true?
這是個有趣的概念,但有證據證明它是真的嗎? - eruption [ɪˋrʌpʃən] n.
The game ended with an eruption of violence as some fans ran onto the field.
The eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in AD 79 buried two Roman cities.
西元 79 年,維蘇威火山的爆發掩埋了兩座羅馬城市。 - erupt [ɪˋrʌpt] v.
These frequent earthquakes may be a sign that the nearby volcano is about to erupt.
這些頻繁的地震可能是附近火山即將爆發的跡象。 - declare [dɪˋklɛr] v.
Jonathan has declared his intention to go to graduate school and study engineering.
Jonathan 已經宣布他打算去研究所讀工程學。 - declaration [͵dɛkləˋreʃən] n.
The CEO of the company has made a written declaration that he will step down at the end of the year.
公司執行長發表了一份書面聲明,說他將在年底辭職。 - choke [tʃok] v.
The street is flooded because leaves and branches have choked the underground pipes.
If someone is choking on food, there is a special technique you can use to help them.
如果有人被食物噎住了,有種特別的方法可以幫助他們。 - complicated [ˋkɑmplə͵ketɪd] adj.
The application form was very complicated and took me a long time to fill out.
申請表很複雜,我花了很多時間才填好。 - complicate [ˋkɑmplə͵ket] v.
Don't complicate your writing by introducing too many themes, or you will confuse the reader.
別介紹太多主題,讓你的文章變複雜,不然這樣會讓讀者很困惑。 - discard [ˋdɪskɑrd] v.
Don't discard that computer box; I can use it for storing stuff.
別把那個原本裝電腦的盒子丟掉;我可以用它來放東西。 - attachment [əˋtætʃmənt] n.
Christine has a deep attachment to her watch, which was a present from her grandmother.
Christine 對她的手錶有很深的情感,因為這隻手錶是她奶奶送的。
All the details you require are in the attachment I have sent with this message.
所有你需要的詳細資料都夾帶在我寄給你的訊息附件裡。 - attach [əˋtætʃ] v.
Before he went to the wedding, Carl attached a flower to his jacket with a small pin.
Carl 去婚禮之前在外套上別上一朵花,用小別針固定。
In your reply, please attach a file containing your personal details.
請在回信中附上您的個人資料。 - remove [rɪˋmuv] v.
We removed the chairs and tables from the middle of the floor to make room for dancing.
When the air conditioner stopped working, the teacher removed his jacket.
冷氣停止運轉的時候,老師脫掉他的外套。 - candidate [ˋkændədet] n.
I think this hotel is a good candidate for a place to have our year-end party.
Among the candidates for mayor, Mr. Jenkins has the best chance of winning the election.
在所有市長候選人之中,Jenkins 先生贏得選舉的機率最高。 - disposal [dɪˋspoz!] n.
Many people think we need a better waste disposal system to deal with the garbage problem.
很多人認為我們需要好一點的廢棄處理系統來處理垃圾問題。 - dispose [dɪˋspoz] v.
The chemical factory uses the latest technology to dispose of waste liquids.
那個化學工廠使用最先進的技術來處理廢水。 - drown [draʊn] v.
Daphne's favorite summer dessert is a bowl of strawberries drowned in fresh cream.
Daphne 最愛的夏日甜點是一碗浸在奶油裡面的草莓。
Luckily, a passer-by pulled my dog out of the river before it drowned.
幸運地是,一個路人在我的狗溺死之前把牠從河裡拉起來。 - goods [gʊdz] n.
Mr. Collins is the owner of a store that sells electrical goods.
Collins 先生是一間賣電器產品的商店老闆。 - tidy up
Terry's mother got mad because he didn't tidy up his room when she told him to do so.
Terry 的媽媽很生氣,因為她要他整理房間他卻沒有收拾。 - get rid of
David decided to get rid of his old car and buy a new motorcycle.
David 決定拋棄他的舊車,新買一輛摩托車。 - part with
I hate to part with any of my books, but I don't have enough space for them all now.
我不想捨棄任何一本書,但現在我沒有足夠的空間擺放他們。 - refer to ... as
In high school, Paul's friends referred to him as "Speedy" because he could run so fast.
高中時,Paul 的朋友稱他為「飛毛腿」,因為他跑得很快。 - pack (...) away
The weather is turning cooler, so it's time to pack our summer clothes away.
天氣變得越來越涼了,是時候把我們夏天的衣服收起來了。 - bring about
Getting the pay raise brought about a big improvement in Shirley's standard of living.
Shirley 的調薪帶來生活水平的大幅提升。 - come down to
When the coach chose a new captain for the school team, it came down to who had played the most games.
教練要選校隊新隊長的時候,歸結起來就是看誰打了最多場比賽。 - go through
Rita went through her entire CD collection but couldn't find the one she wanted.
Rita 仔細檢查過她收藏的所有 CD,但還是找不到她想要的那張。