The media has a tradition of making up fake stories every April 1 as an April Fool's Day joke. ITProPortal, a website that publishes technology-related news articles, had a story on April 1, 2014, about how McDonald's would start 3D printing Big Macs instead of grilling them. The story was intended as a joke, but this idea is now much closer to reality than you might think.
媒體界有項傳統,會在每年四月一日虛構假新聞,作為愚人節的一個玩笑。英國報導科技新聞的網站 ITProPortal,在 2014 年四月一日有一則報導,是關於麥當勞將開始使用 3D 列印方式製作大麥克,而不是用燒烤的。這則報導原本意圖是個玩笑,不過這個想法現在比想像中的還要更接近現實了。
According to recent reports, McDonald's is about to start selling 3D-printed food products. In fact, 3D-printing technology nowadays is pretty advanced. Do you know, for instance, that you could live in a 3D-printed house? For some people in the Netherlands, this is already a reality. Together, the Eindhoven University of Technology and a local construction company created a technique for 3D printing cement. The technique uses a 3D printer's robotic arm to squirt out a special type of cement layer by layer to "print" a wall. The construction company says that the technique reduces costs and environmental damage.
根據近期的報導,麥當勞即將開始販售 3D 列印的食品。事實上,3D 列印科技如今是非常先進了。例如,你知道你有 3D 列印的房子可以住嗎?對荷蘭有些人來說這已經實現了。有家當地建設公司和恩荷芬理工大學已經合作開發出一種 3D 列印水泥的方法。這技術使用一個 3D 列印機的機器手臂,一層一層噴射出一種特別的水泥來「印」出一道牆。建設公司表示這項技術能降低成本並減少對環境的傷害。
You might also consider buying a 3D-printed car to go with your new house. The first 3D-printed car was the Strati. It took 44 hours to print and 3 days to put together when it was presented at a technology show in Chicago a few years ago. Now, manufacturing time is just 22 hours and may soon be as little as ten. 3D printing in the auto industry has become increasingly important. It makes vehicles lighter and stronger, and because it saves time, money, and resources for automakers, it is taking off.
你可能會考慮買一台 3D 列印的車子來搭配你的新房子。第一輛 3D 列印車是 Strati。花了 44 小時列印以及三天時間組裝,在幾年前芝加哥所舉辦的科技展覽會中亮相。現在,製造時間只要 22 小時,而且可能很快就能縮短到 10 小時。3D 列印在汽車產業中已變得越來越重要。它使車輛更加輕巧又更堅固,而且因為它替汽車製造商節省時間、金錢和資源,它現在正夯。
What's more, for decades, 3D printing has been used to save lives and improve medical treatments, and new 3D-printed medical products are appearing all the time. Since 2003, model human organs have been printed for use in medical research and to help doctors plan operations. With "bioprinting," surgeons will soon be able to transplant actual 3D-printed body parts. In the future, people who need new organs will not need to rely on organ donors.
更重要的是,3D 列印幾十年來一直用於挽救生命和改善醫療,並且新的醫用 3D 列印產品不斷出現。自 2003 年以來,人體器官模型已經被列印出來用在醫療研究與協助醫師們規劃手術上。藉由「生物列印」,外科醫生很快地將可以移植 3D 列印的真實身體部位。未來,需要新器官的患者將不再需要等待器捐者了。
The 3D-printing revolution is making a huge difference to people's lives, especially in manufacturing and medicine. Believe it or not, that does include food. Many top-rated restaurants have begun using 3D-printed ingredients to prepare meals. A chef at a Michelin-starred restaurant in Spain claims that 3D printing improves his creativity. He uses it to make dishes that would not be possible any other way. So, the next time you go to McDonald's, don't be surprised if you see that 3D-printed Big Mac on the menu.
3D 列印革命正在為人們的生活帶來巨大的變化,尤其是在製造和醫療上。信不信由你,食物確實包括在內。許多頂級餐廳已經開始為他們的一些菜餚使用 3D 列印烹飪材料。西班牙一家米其林星級餐廳的廚師表示,3D 列印已經使他的創意有所成長。他運用 3D 列印在其他製作方式無法呈現的料理上。所以,你下次去麥當勞的時候,如果看到 3D 列印大麥克在菜單上不用太驚訝。
- media [ˋmidɪə] n.
George works as a sports reporter in the regional news media.
George 在一家地方新聞媒體做體育記者。 - fake [fek] adj.
I received a fake email telling me I had won a lot of money.
我收到一封假的電子郵件,告訴我我贏得了一大筆錢。 - fake [fek] n.
Samantha bought an LV bag very cheaply, but it turned out to be a fake.
Samantha 用很低的價格買了一個 LV 包包,但後來發現那是贗品。 - website [ˋwɛb͵saɪt] n.
I was online all evening, looking at websites to make my vacation plans.
我整晚都在網路上瀏覽網站做我的假期規畫。 - grill [grɪl] v.
You should grill the steaks for no more than a couple of minutes on each side.
烤牛排時你應該每面烤幾分鐘就好。 - nowadays [ˋnaʊə͵dez] adv.
Thirty years ago, the island was a quiet paradise, but there are too many visitors nowadays.
三十年前,這座島嶼是寧靜的天堂,但現在有太多觀光客了。 - construction [kənˋstrʌkʃən] n.
These engineers are working on the construction project of a new hospital.
這些工程師正忙於新醫院的建設計畫。 - construct [kənˋstrʌkt] v.
The temple was constructed thousands of years ago when a great civilization existed here.
這座廟是數千年前建造的,當時這裡存在一個偉大的文明。 - constructive [kənˋstrʌktɪv] adj.
I would welcome constructive criticism, but these comments on my work are just mean.
我樂於接受有建設性的批評,但這些對我作品的評論都只是些刻薄的話。 - cement [sɪˋmɛnt] n.
The builders are mixing cement for use on the site.
建築工人在攪拌水泥供建築工地使用。 - robotic [roˋbɑtɪk] adj. 機器人的,似機器人的
The cars from this factory are mostly made with robotic machinery.
這間工廠的車輛大多是用機器人機械製造的。 - robot [ˋrobət] n.
The movie is about a giant robot that makes friends with a young boy and protects him.
這部電影是關於一個巨型機器人的故事,他與一個年輕的小男孩交朋友並保護他。 - layer [ˋleɚ] n.
The table was totally covered in a thick layer of dust.
這張桌子被一層厚厚的灰完全覆蓋住了。 - manufacture [͵mænjəˋfæktʃɚ] v.
This company manufactures and sells numerous types of children's toys.
這間公司生產並銷售各種兒童玩具。 - manufacturer [͵mænjəˋfæktʃərɚ] n.
Boeing is the largest manufacturer of airplanes in North America.
波音是北美最大的飛機製造商。 - auto [ˋɔto] adj.
Auto producers like Ford and Toyota have been faced with falling sales recently.
像是福特跟豐田這類的汽車製造商最近都面臨銷售下滑。 - industry [ˋɪndəstrɪ] n.
As an employee in the oil industry, my father often works overseas.
A lot of people in this region are employed in heavy industry.
這個地區許多人都受雇於重工業。 - industrial [ɪnˋdʌstrɪəl] v.
There is a large industrial park outside the town, with more than thirty factories located there.
在鎮外有一個很大的工業園區,那裡有超過 30 家工廠。 - increasingly [ɪnˋkrisɪŋlɪ] adv.
It was past midnight, and Katherine was getting increasingly anxious about her daughter.
已經過了午夜,Katherine 越來越擔心她的女兒。 - increasing [ɪnˋkrisɪŋ] adj.
The war in the region has led to an increasing number of refugees.
這個區域的戰爭讓難民數不斷增加。 - increase [ɪnˋkris] v.
Pat's rent has increased again, and she can't afford to keep her apartment.
Pat 的套房租金又增加了,她沒辦法繼續租下去了。 - resource [rɪˋsors] n.
Russia is a country that possesses plenty of natural resources, including oil and gas.
俄羅斯是一個擁有許多資源的國家,包含石油和天然氣。 - decade [ˋdɛked] n.
The company was established in the 1980s, but lasted only two decades before closing down in 2007.
這間公司成立於 80 年代,但只維持了 20 年,於 2007 年倒閉。 - model [ˋmɑd!] n.
Ethan builds model airplanes and has more than fifty of them in his room.
Ethan 製作模型飛機,他的房間裡有超過 50 架模型。
Diane is a model student, and I wish I could be more like her.
Diane 是個模範學生,我希望我能變得更像她。 - organ [ˋɔrgən] n.
The brain is the third heaviest organ in the human body.
大腦是人體中第三重的器官。 - transplant [trænsˋplænt] v.
The accident victim's heart was transplanted into the body of a sick girl.
The trees that were transplanted from the mountains have improved the appearance of the city park.
從山上移栽的樹木改善了都市公園的樣貌。 - donor [ˋdonɚ] n.
The boy badly needs a new heart and will die unless a donor is found soon.
The charity recently received a large amount of money from a wealthy donor.
這家慈善機構最近收到一大筆來自一位富有捐贈者的捐贈。 - donate [ˋdonet] v.
Zoe asked her children to donate their old toys and clothes to an orphanage.
Zoe 要求她的孩子們將舊玩具和衣服捐給孤兒院。 - revolution [͵rɛvəˋluʃən] n.
This new technology has led to a revolution in the way people communicate with each other.
The Russian Revolution of 1917 resulted in the world's first communist government.
1917 年的俄國大革命促成了世界上第一個共產政府。 - revolutionary [͵rɛvəˋluʃən͵ɛrɪ] adj.
Self-driving cars are a revolutionary development in the field of transportation.
自動駕駛汽車是交通領域的革命性發展。 - top-rated [͵tɑpˋretɪd] adj.
The world's top-rated athletes take part in the Olympic Games every four years.
每四年世界上最出色的運動員在奧運齊聚一堂。 - ingredient [ɪnˋgridɪənt] n.
The cook insists on using only the freshest ingredients to make his famous soup.
這名廚師堅持使用最新鮮的食材來料理他的招牌濃湯。 - make up
Chris thought he had made up a good excuse for coming late, but the teacher didn't believe him.
Chris 以為他編造出一個遲到的好理由,但老師並不相信他。 - go with
That funny hat doesn't go with your suit, so don't wear it.
那頂滑稽的帽子和你的西裝並不搭,所以別穿了。 - put together
Put all the ingredients together in a large bowl and mix them.
將所有的材料放到大碗中攪拌。 - take off
This thrilling new video game has really taken off this year.
今年這款新的電玩大受歡迎。 - what's more
The steak was quite tough. What's more, the sauce wasn't tasty either.
這牛排相當硬。而且醬汁也不好吃。 - believe it or not
Believe it or not, Sam has won a million dollars in the lottery!
信不信由你,Sam 樂透彩中了一百萬元!