This just happened. I was trying to watch a video on my phone, on YouTube, eating some delicious green grapes. Right? Enjoying my evening. And the video I was trying to load about the Sphinx didn't work. So I hit reload, and I hit reload again and again, and it still didn't work. And I thought, What is going on? So I quickly Googled to see if it was only me, and it wasn't—it isn't. Right now, still down—well, not when you're watching this, probably, because it's on YouTube. But right now, filming this, YouTube is down. What am I supposed to do with my life?
這是剛剛才發生的事情。我想在手機上看影片,看 YouTube 影片,一邊吃好吃的綠葡萄。對吧?享受我的傍晚時光。然後,我想要載入的這部有關人面獅身像的影片竟然沒辦法播。我按了重新整理,一次又一次按了重新整理,還是無法播放。然後我想說:發生什麼事情了?所以我快速 Google 一下,看看到底是不是只有我碰到這個問題,結果並不是--很多人都遇到一樣的問題。現在,網站還是沒辦法用--大概不是你看這部影片的當下,因為影片是放在 YouTube 上的。但我現在,拍這部影片的時候,YouTube 掛掉了。我的人生該怎麼辦?
So, we say, when something isn't working on the Internet, that it is down. It's actually very simple. Something is down, doesn't work. That's easy. Okay, it's down. That's what you can search: Is YouTube down? Yes, YouTube is down. Very easy. It's down.
所以說,如果網路上的某個東西沒辦法運作,我們會說它掛掉了(down)。這說法很簡單。某個東西掛掉了,無法運作。很簡單。好的,它掛掉了(it's down)。你可以這樣搜尋:Is YouTube down?(YouTube 掛掉了嗎?)是的,YouTube 壞掉了。很簡單。它壞掉了(It's down)。
We can also use "crash." Crash. Just like a car crash. If you're using an app, and suddenly it goes yoink, you can say "It crashed." "The app crashed." "YouTube has crashed." Engineer Bob was drinking a cup of coffee and accidentally spilled it on a server and crashed all of YouTube. So you can say "something is crashed" or "somebody crashed it," "something crashed it." In this case, Bob and his stupid coffee crashed YouTube—ruined my evening. Oh no!
我們還可以用「crash(當機、癱瘓)」這個單字。Crash。就像車禍(car crash)這個字。如果你在用某個手機應用程式,結果它唉呀掛了,你就會說「它壞了(It crashed.)」、「這應用程式壞了(The app crashed.)」、「YouTube 壞掉了(YouTube has crashed.)」。工程師 Bob 在喝咖啡,然後不小心把咖啡灑在伺服器上,結果整個 YouTube 網站就掛掉了。所以你可以說「某件東西壞了(something is crashed)」或「某人把它弄壞了(somebody crashed it)」、「某個東西把它弄壞了(something crashed it)」。在這個情況下,是 Bob 和他的笨咖啡把 YouTube 弄壞了--毀了我的傍晚時光。喔不!
So what can we learn from this, from having YouTube crash? What can we learn about life? Well, maybe we should learn that we can't take things for granted. If you take something for granted, that means that you just accept that it will always be there. Yeah, I can watch...I can watch YouTube videos whenever I want. Um, um, maybe not.
所以我們可以從這件事、從 YouTube 壞掉這件事學到什麼呢?我們能夠學到什麼人生道理呢?也許我們應該學會,我們不能把所有事情當作理所當然。如果你把某件事視為理所當然(take something for granted),那就代表你就只是接受那樣東西會一直存在。對,我可以看...我想要的時候,隨時都可以看 YouTube 影片。嗯,嗯,也許不是這樣喔。
So now you've learned two words and one phrase—down, crash, and taken for granted—to talk about when things go wrong on the Internet. So, I hope you don't...I hope you don't take this video for granted. Anyway, thanks for watching. I'll see you next time.
所以你現在學了兩個單字和一個片語--down(掛掉了)、crash(當機、壞掉)和 taken for granted(視為理所當然)--可以用來形容網路上某些東西出毛病了。所以說,希望你不要...希望你不要把這部影片的存在當作是應該的。無論如何,謝謝收看。我們下次見囉。
- 「出毛病、壞了」- Go Wrong
So now you've learned two words and one phrase—down, crash, and taken for granted—to talk about when things go wrong on the Internet.
所以你現在學了兩個單字和一個片語--down(掛掉了)、crash(當機、壞掉)和 taken for granted(視為理所當然)--可以用來形容網路上某些東西出毛病了。