I would describe Disney as magical and fun and fantasy.
My name is Glynndana Shevlin, and I'm 58 years old. I've been there almost 30 years, which will be a big anniversary for me. Is it fun? Is it a great job? Yes, but biggest misconception is that we're paid well.
我叫做 Glynndana Shevlin,今年五十八歲。我已經在那裡工作將近三十年了,這對我來說將會是一個重大的紀念日。好玩嗎?是份好工作嗎?是的,但是最大的誤解是我們的薪資優渥。
Glynndana is one of thousands of workers standing up to Disney and demanding a living wage.
在數千名挺身而出反抗公司的員工中,Glynndana 也是其中一員,他們要求迪士樂園尼要支付能維持基本生活的工資。
I'm not alone. Some of us are food-insecure. I usually wait and eat my lunch around 3:30, and that's my first meal of the day. One out of 10 of us are homeless of some sort in the last two years. Some of us are sleeping in our cars—I've done that a couple of times.
I would describe Disneyland as the happiest place on Earth. And it's definitely one of the best jobs I've ever had. It's just a shame that no one can survive on it. I never thought, especially being a licensed cosmetologist, that I would ever be having to sleep in my car—especially not for a company like Disney. And I'm not excited for when my clients see this, and see that I've been homeless, you know, because it doesn't say anything about my skill level at all.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney Company, Bob Iger.
華特迪士尼公司總裁兼 CEO,Bob Iger。
Thank you. I never quite envisioned it would be this grand, or this great.
According to a recent survey, nearly 75 percent of Disneyland employees questioned said they can't afford basic living expenses.
If a corporation like Disney has enough money to pay its CEO over 400 million dollars in a four-year period, it damn well has enough money to pay its workers.
如果一個像迪士尼樂園這樣的公司有足夠的資金,可以在四年中付超過四億美元給他們的 CEO,那它絕對有足夠的資金來付錢給他們的員工。
In November, Anaheim residents will vote on a ballot measure requiring large hotels that accept city subsidies to pay workers 18 dollars per hour by 2022.
Anaheim 的居民將在十一月進行投票,要求那些有接受市府補貼的大型飯店在 2022 前支付員工時薪 18 美元。
I just don't understand how people survive off the money that Disneyland pays us.
Disney can do better by taking care of us.
If they make so much money, it's because of all their employees.
We have so much support in the community. These are just issues that need to be resolved.
We work tirelessly.
On November 6, vote for a living wage.
Enough is enough.
When adjusted for inflation, the average hourly wage of a Disneyland employee dropped from 15.80 dollars in 2000 to 13.36 dollars in 2017. To afford a basic apartment in Anaheim, you need to make about 24 dollars per hour.
在因應通貨膨脹調整過後,迪士尼樂園的平均員工時薪從 2000 年的 15.8 美元降到 2017 年的 13.36 美元。而要在 Anaheim 負擔得起基本公寓,你一小時需要賺約 24 美元。
Me, in 1988, was able to afford a one-bedroom apartment. It is now 2018, and I'm sleeping in a condo with five other people.
我在 1988 年時,還能負擔得起一間一房的公寓。現在是 2018 年了,我卻得和其他五位室友分租一間公寓。
When they find out that I work at Disney as a hairstylist, doing these wigs, they assume I'm getting paid at least 30 an hour. But, we absolutely do not. To Bob Iger, just...we love our jobs, just pay us right. You know? We just want to survive.
當他們得知我在迪士尼樂園當髮型師、設計這些假髮時,他們會以為我的時薪至少有 30 美元。但我們絕對沒有。我要對 Bob Iger 說,就...我們熱愛我們的工作,但就付我們應得的薪資。你懂嗎?我們只是想生存下去。
After months of employee protests, Disneyland renegotiated with thousands of its workers for 15 dollars an hour starting next year. For now, neither Rebekah nor Glynndana have benefitted from the wage increases. Disney will be renegotiating contracts as they expire. Disneyland then surprised Anaheim by turning down over 200 million dollars in tax breaks.
在經過員工們數月的抗議之後,迪士尼樂園與他們上千名員工重新協商明年時薪調升至 15 美元。目前,不論 Rebekah 還是 Glynndana 都沒有因為工資調漲而獲益。迪士尼將會在合約失效之後重新談判。接著,迪士尼樂園給了 Anaheim 居民一個驚喜,回絕了超過兩億美元的減稅優惠。
This means Disney may get out of paying its workers a living wage if the ballot measure passes. But as that's still up for legal debate, activists are urging Anaheim residents to get out and vote. In a statement, Disneyland said it is "leading the industry in wages that are well above market rates" including a 40% increase over two years. It also cited an 150-million-dollar education program for employees to attend college.
這表示就算投票通過,迪士尼樂園還是可能不必支付員工足以維持生活的工資。但這仍懸而未決,因此激進份子們開始敦促 Anaheim 的居民要去投票。在一份聲明稿上,迪士尼樂園提到他們「在工資方面是領先同業的,工資遠高於市場水準」,其中包括兩年調漲百分之四十。該公司也舉出他們為員工所提供的 1.5 億美元大學教育計畫作為例子。