This is your brain not on Smack.
沒有 Smack,你的腦袋就會像這樣。
Open communication in the workplace is important. But while many companies preach transparency, it can still be hard to know who to trust. There are so many channels, threads, and messages, but it's hard to find a truly safe place to talk shit. That is where Smack comes in.
開放的溝通在工作場合中是很重要的。但由於許多公司都推廣資訊透明化,實在很難知道誰才能信任。我們有各式各樣的頻道、子討論串和訊息,但是要找到一個真正安全的地方講垃圾話其實不容易。為此,救贖大眾的 Smack 就出現了。
Smack is an online collaboration space for companies, where real people can have real conversations about what they really think of the new intern, Lucas. Teammates can send each other direct private messages or hash things out in a group.
Smack 是專為公司企業設計的線上合作空間,你可以在上面和真實的人討論你們對新來的實習生 Lucas 真正的想法。同事間可以互傳私訊,或是為了策謀某件事創一個群組。
#讓 BERT 滾蛋
This is Bert. Bert is a bad coworker. This is everyone else. They are good coworkers. And if they can't talk about Bert in a secure environment, well, that's not fun for anyone. But when Bert's coworkers are able to route their real feelings through Smack while only pretending to like Bert around the office, that's fun for everyone.
這是 Bert。Bert 是個爛同事。這是其他人。他們是好同事。如果他們無法在安全的環境下講 Bert 的壞話,你知道,實在是很不好玩。但如果 Bert 的同事們可以一邊用 Smack 傳達真實的想法,一邊假裝自己很喜歡 Bert,對大家來說都很有趣。
How secure is Smack exactly? Every time you send a message, Smack will double-check with you to make sure it's going to the right person. Smack also uses custom code-name macros, so you can type in "Bert," and it shows up as "Kyle."
Smack 到底有多安全?每次你要傳訊息的時候,Smack 會跳出確認訊息,確定你是不是要傳給對的人。Smack 也有客製化的代號指令,所以當你輸入「Bert」,就會顯示「Kyle」。
With an easy-to-use labeling system, Smack allows you to mark contacts as either "friends," "enemies," or "hot people." But you better be honest with us. If we see that you're marking all of your contacts as "friends," we're gonna have to freeze your account.
Smack 還提供一個超好用的分類系統,讓你把通訊錄分類成「好友」、「敵人」或是「正妹型男」。但你最好對我們誠實一點。如果我們看到你把所有聯絡人都標上「好友」,我們會凍結你的帳號。
And that's because Smack is for two things and two things only: It's for talking shit and for letting people know when there's free food in the kitchen.
因為 Smack 全是為了這兩件事、只為了這兩件事情而生:講垃圾話,讓同事知道廚房有免費零食。
Finally, there's a space in the workplace for people like me, me, me, me—angry people.
Give your employees the escape they need. Download the Smack app today.
給你的員工必要的逃離空間。立即下載 Smack 應用程式。
Talking Shit Made Easy