Imagine a river, hot enough to kill you, said to be the home of a powerful Amazonian water spirit. That place is real, and I've been there. It's the Shanay-timpishka, the boiling river of the Amazon.
想像有一條河,燙到足以殺死你,據說這裡存在著亞馬遜雨林中的強大水靈。這個地方真實存在,我到過那兒。這條河叫 Shanay-timpishka,亞馬遜裡的沸騰之河。
My name's Andres Ruzo, and I am a geothermal scientist and conservationist. As a boy in Lima, my grandfather told me this crazy story about the search for the Lost City of Gold. But there was a detail on the story, about a river that boiled. I certainly imagined it but never, never really dwelled on it; it was just a detail.
我叫 Andres Ruzo,我是個地熱學家,也是自然環境保護主義者。年少住在利馬時,祖父就告訴過我眾人探詢失落黃金城的瘋狂故事。但故事裡還有段細節,就是關於這條沸騰的河流。我確實有想像過這個地方,但沒有真正細想過;就只是故事裡面的一段細節。
It's getting much hotter.
Turns out this place is real.
Here's the Boiling River. This pretty hot.
So, the Boiling River is located in the heart of the central Peruvian Amazon. The hottest temperature I've measured was over 210 degrees Fahrenheit. To put that into everyday terms, the average coffee is roughly 130 degrees. It's hard to physically imagine that much hot water. You stick your hand in, and you will see second- and third-degree burns in a matter of seconds.
沸騰之河位於祕魯亞馬遜雨林的正中心。我測到過最高的溫度超過華氏 210 度。用日常用語來說明的話,一般熱咖啡平均溫度大約是華氏 130 度。真的很難想像有這麼大量的滾燙熱水。你把手放進去,短短幾秒鐘之內,你就會遭到二度或三度灼傷。
I've seen a number of animals fall into the Boiling River, everything from birds to reptiles. Complex organisms like us, we don't do well at those high temperatures. We literally start to cook on the bone. Feeling that heat come into you, breathing in this thick, hot air, where you can feel the air heating you up inside your nose, you can feel it going into your lungs. You can feel the presence of your lungs because of the heat of the air. I had—still gives me goose bumps.
The true name of the boiling river is Shanay-timpishka, and that means, according to one of the local shamans, "boiled with the heat of the sun." It's spectacular. It's...this place has totally redefined what it means to be sacred for me. I think once you've experienced something that's truly moved you, you love it, and you can't let that go.
沸騰之河真正的名字叫做 Shanay-timpishka,據當地一位薩滿說,這條河的名稱意思是「以太陽的熱度沸騰」。真的很壯闊。它...這個地方完全重新定義了我心目中的神聖。我想,只要經歷過真正感動你的事情,你就會愛上它,也無法遺忘。
- 「細想、老是想著」- Dwell On
I certainly imagined it, but never, never really dwelled on it; it was just a detail.
我確實有想像過這個地方,但沒有真正細想過;就只是故事裡面的一段細節。 - 「僅僅、只」- A Matter Of Something
You stick your hand in, and you will see second- and third-degree burns in a matter of seconds.