In a world where cat videos and memes rule the feeds, one media company will rise above the noise. This is Great Big Story.
在一個網路上充斥貓咪影片和迷因的世界中,一家媒體公司將脫穎而出。那就是 Great Big Story。
Okay, Redd, that was great, thank you.
You got it?
Yeah, that was great.
You can stop speaking like that now, though.
What do you mean? This is how I always speak.
Okay, cut.
My name is Redd Pepper. I'm a voice-over artist. In the UK, I've voiced hundreds of movie trailers. Men in Black. "Saving the earth from the scum of the universe." Blair Witch Project. Armageddon. Space Jam. Mr. Bean's Holiday. So many. I forget half of them, to be honest with you. I started doing television adverts, animations, and audio books. I do a lot of video games as well, and a lot of them are sound effects. A goose in the background.
我的名字叫 Redd Pepper。我是一位配音員。在英國,我已經配了數百部的電影預告片。《星際戰警》。「保護地球不被宇宙的敗類摧殘。」《厄夜叢林》。《世界末日》。《怪物奇兵》。《豆豆假期》。數不清了。一半以上我都忘記了,老實說。我最先是從電視廣告開始,還有動畫跟有聲書。我也有配很多電玩,而且有一大部分是音效。像是背景音效中的一隻鵝。
"For Mr. Bean..." When I first started doing movie trailers, that was, um, that was fun. "One man, coming soon to a cinema near you." Sometimes I do romantic movies. "In a sleepy town..." Sometimes I'm doing horror. "Don't answer the door." You gotta use your voice; you gotta raise it sometimes, and you gotta take it to the depths. Very occasionally I get recognized, but generally, no. But the time I do get recognized—phone goes off in the train, guaranteed. "Hello?" And people look up from behind the newspapers.
The way I got into being a voice artist was kinda strange. I used to drive trains on the London Underground. One morning I was making my announcements, "All stations to Harrow. Mind the doors." A television executive was a passenger on my train. He got off at the next stop, ran up to my cab; we exchanged details, and the rest is history.
I've had some strange experiences as a voice artist. I was doing a trailer for Jurassic Park: The Lost World—Steven Spielberg movie—and kindly they chose me to do the voice in the UK. "Something is coming, something big." And as I said that, a voice in my headphone said, "Wow! That's a great voice." And I didn't recognize it was Steven Spielberg. He was listening in from the States into London. Well, I swore. I said, "Who the f**k is that?" Everybody went crazy in the studio. "Sh, no. It's Spielberg on the set."
I appreciate what I do; I'm still meticulous about what I do; I'm still proud of what I do. I really don't look at it as a job. I'm having fun. It really is a cool job. It's gotta be up there with one of the coolest jobs on the planet.
Right, you got it? Cool, I'm outta here. Oh, that's a wrap.