Welcome back, everybody! We're here with Daniel Craig. And...uh, as I was saying before, Daniel, I love the movie. And I love...I love Bond in general, uh, but I do have one beef with Bond, and...that is that you—what?
What is it?
Well, you always get these beautiful cars. And...and, you know, these amazing, incredible cars with the gadgets, and then you wreck them immediately. Well?
Well, you just...you just drink a lot of martinis.
Yes...yeah. So, again, why on earth would anyone ever give you another car?
Well, that's it. We, um...we kind of addressed a few of those things in the new movie with, um...I think you'll find, a sort of...a sort of level of gritty realism.
All right, I think we have a clip.
I need a car.
I'll be right with you. Uh, Emilio, did you sponge out the inside of that Chevy Malibu? I think a toddler threw up in it.
我馬上來。呃,艾米里歐,你有清一清那台雪佛蘭 Malibu 的裡面嗎?我想有個小屁孩在裡面嘔吐了。
Look, I need a car really quickly. I'm being chased by um...a number of assassins.
We all have things to do. Thank you for being so patient. Welcome to RentalCo. We don't just rent car; we rent care! Uh...name?
我們大家都有事要做。感謝您的耐心等候。歡迎來到 RentalCo 租車公司。 我們不只出租車子;我們出租的是關心!呃...大名?
Bond. James Bond.
I don't have that. Could it be under another name?
You try Q?
試試 Q?
Is there any more to that name? Maybe like a "name"?
Give...me...a car.
Sir! Sir! Sir! Sir! I understand you're in a hurry. I understand you're in a hurry—we have to pay for our own vests, if you don't mind. What did you...what did you say your name was again? What was your name?
Oh! I thought you said "Bound." Sure. I'm sorry. Yes, yes. Yes, yes! Uhhh... Here we have it—Bond. Let me check your rental history and... Oh, my! Oh, sir... Oh! Oh! Uh-uh. Aww! It says here you crashed your car through a building.
噢!我以為你說「胖德」。好的。我很抱歉。沒錯、沒錯。對、對了!呃... 有了--龐德。讓我看看你的租借記錄... 噢天啊!噢,先生... 噢!噢!呃喔。噢!這裡說你把車衝過一棟建築物撞爛了。
That was...that was unavoidable.
You drove it underwater.
It was quite wet.
You drove it into a Russian army while they were firing...
Umm...yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah... But I did bring it back with a full tank of gas.
嗯...對!對、對、對... 但我確實有加滿汽油開回來。
Well, that's all that matters. Let's see... I do have a Chevy Malibu... How are you with toddler vomit?
好吧,那最重要。我們來看看... 我是有一輛雪佛蘭 Malibu... 你對小孩嘔吐物容忍度如何?
Okay. Do you want the additional insurance?
Umm...yeah. Yeah, I better have it because I've, um...I've gotta drive it into a volcano.
So it'd help. Let me just print out your contract. And...here we go! Okay, okay. Okay, if you'd just...if you'd just sign here. And sign there, okay. Sign here. And initial there. And there. And there. And sign here with your first name and initial your last name. Okay. And sign there. Thank you very much. Okay, let's give you your copy. I don't know why they still use these. I don't know.
Well...Daniel, it looks incredible! Congratulations! The movie is amazing! Please, please join us again!
I'd love to.
Uhhh, I...I have... I can't...I can't read when the movie comes out because I don't have my glasses. Spectre is in theaters and iMax on Friday. Daniel Craig, everybody! We'll be right back...
呃,我...我有... 我沒辦法...我看不到電影上映時間,因為我沒戴眼鏡。《007:惡魔四伏》週五於戲院和 iMax 上映。各位,丹尼爾‧克雷格!我們馬上回來...
- 「一般來說、總的來說」- In General
And I love...I love Bond in general, uh, but I do have one beef with Bond...
而且我愛...我基本上算愛龐德,呃,但我確實對龐德有點意見... - 「對...有意見、不滿」- Have A Beef With
And I love...I love Bond in general, uh, but I do have one beef with Bond...
而且我愛...我基本上算愛龐德,呃,但我確實對龐德有點意見... - 「究竟、到底」- On Earth
So, again, why on earth would anyone ever give you another car?
那麼,再一次,到底為什麼會有人給你別台車啊? - 「嘔吐」- Throw Up
I think a toddler threw up in it.