Think about all the stuff you can do on your phone. You can get directions, translate stuff, make movies. You can check your pulse, start your car, see Earth from outer space, power a satellite—no, really. Your phone has enough power to put a man on the moon.
Now, use your phone to draw a moon. Exactly. Your phone can help you do anything fast; it just can't help you draw something simple fast. Think about it. If you're not a designer and you wanna make a quick party flyer, where do you even go for that? You probably have to download some app or buy a design program. So a few of us at Google created AutoDraw. It's a drawing tool for the rest of us. AutoDraw pairs the magic of machine learning with drawings from talented artists to help you draw stuff fast.
現在,用你的手機畫一顆月亮。沒錯。你的手機能幫你快速完成任何事;它就是沒辦法幫你快速畫個簡單的東西。思考一下。如果你不是設計師然後你想簡單做張派對傳單,你要去哪做出來呢?你可能得下載什麼應用程式或購買一個設計軟體。所以我們一些在 Google 的人就打造了 AutoDraw。那是給我們其他人用的繪圖工具。AutoDraw 將機器學習的神奇和才華洋溢的藝術家的畫作搭在一塊,幫助你迅速畫出物品。
Say you wanna make your friend a poster for her birthday—you'd go to the AutoDraw site from your phone or computer, and you'd start doodling something that sort of looks like a cake. The AutoDraw suggestion tool then guesses your doodle, and you pick a cake you like. And you can do this with all kinds of drawings: flowers, dolphins, socks, furniture for a new living room layout, a bike for an event poster, a giraffe, on a house, in the sky, for no good reason. You could make a coloring book. And your aunt can sketch out her weird dreams. You can also draw without the help of the AutoDraw suggestion tool. So you can doodle in meetings, play tic-tac-toe, sketch a stranger at a bus stop...yada yada yada.
比方說你想替朋友她的生日做張海報--你用手機或電腦到 AutoDraw 網站,接著你開始亂畫一個看起來有點像蛋糕的東西。AutoDraw 建議工具接著會猜出你的塗鴉,然後你挑選一個自己喜歡的蛋糕。你可以用這完成各種圖畫:花朵、海豚、襪子、新客廳陳設的傢俱、活動海報的腳踏車、一隻不知道為什麼在房子上然後飄在空中的長頸鹿。你可以做一本著色本。你的姑媽可以描繪出她怪誕的夢境。你也可以在沒有 AutoDraw 建議工具的幫助下畫東西。你可以在會議中塗鴉、玩圈圈叉叉、在公車站速繪一個陌生人...之類的。
With AutoDraw, there's nothing to download, nothing to buy, and it works anywhere.
It works on your phone, your computer, your old laptop, your new laptop, dusty desktops, and fancy tablets. So no matter who you are or where you are, with AutoDraw, you can draw anything fast.
有了 AutoDraw,什麼都不用下載、什麼都不用購買,而且它到處都可以使用。它可以在你的手機、電腦、舊筆電、新筆電、長灰塵的桌電,還有新潮的平板上使用。所以不管你是誰或人在哪,有了 AutoDraw,你就可以快速畫出任何東西。
AutoDraw: Fast drawing for everyone.