She's always been very driven. She is gonna do what she wants to do. She's not gonna let anything out of her back.
She has a spirit that is, just has always done her thing, and Patience is doing what Patience does. And...I'm proud of her.
她的精神就是總是做到...她想做的事, Patience總是做自己想做的。而...我以她為傲。
Patience Beard was born with Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency, or "P.F.F.D.," a rare birth defect that often leads to a deformed hip and shortened leg. Only Pateince's left leg was affected, forcing her mother and father into a decision no parent ever wants to make. Subject Patience to years of painful operations that might never result in her legs being in the same length? Or choose one amputation and a lifetime of wearing a prosthesis?
Patience Beard天生患有「近側股骨灶性缺損」,又叫「PFFD」,一種罕見的先天缺陷,通常會導致臀部畸形和短腿。Patience 只有左腿受到影響,迫使她的父母做出沒有任何父母親願意做的決定。讓Patience遭受數年的痛苦手術,但結果也無法使她雙腿一樣長?或是選擇截肢然後一生裝著義肢?
It was tough. And our...and everybody had opinions on what we should or shouldn't do. So he and I just had to decide what we thought was best for our family.
You know, just something had to be done. We wanted to make sure that she would have the best life that she could have. Umm...and it just seemed like the least invasive way to take care of the situation she was in.
你知道,一定要做個決定。 我們只想要確保她能過最好的生活。嗯...在當時看來,那是似乎是處理她當時處境最不具侵略性的辦法。
The option we chose to go with was amputation, Syme's amputation. We figured that would be the best way for her to get on with a normal life. Learn how to walk with the prosthesis, deal with it and move on.
Despite losing most of her left foot at the age of eight-month, Patience Beard was determined, even as an infant, to not let anything slow her down.
雖然八個月大時就失去了大部分的左腳,Patience Beard即使在嬰兒時期,就下定決心不會讓任何事拖累她。
She had her first prosthesis at ten-month, and then she was walking at thirteen-month.
I was kinda crazy that growing up, you know, I was like...climbed the side of the walls, like the side...the, you know, like the door frames. And people would come over and be like, "What is she doing?" like... I started gymnastics when I was four. Hmm...and all the kids in there were like, "Woah, how do you do that?" And I never know how to answer, because I mean, I just had always know, everything.
The big thing was when she decided she was gonna ride her bicycle without training wheels. I knew that that's when I was out of the picture, and this child was gonna do what she set her mind to do.
That spirit and desire to succeed have grown stronger as Patience has grown older. Tennis and Tee Ball evolved into snowboarding and skateboarding. And then in seventh grade, she found her passion: cheerleading. Patience cheered throughout high school as well. And when it was time to try out for Arkansas Squad, she never hesitated.
隨著Patience漸漸長大,她想成功的精神和渴望也更加強烈。網球和樂樂棒球進化成滑雪板和滑板。在國一的時候,她找到了她熱愛的事:啦啦隊。Patience 在高中期間也是啦啦隊一員。而當Arkansas Squad招募新人的時候,她毫不猶豫。
I really wasn't surprised, because I knew that she...that was something she loved. You know, that's where would they...this was a whole new realm of people. Was that gonna... Were they gonna be accepting? I didn't want her hopes and dreams to get crashed. We just told her, "Do your best. Do your best. That's all you can do."
Hi, my name is Patience Beard, and I cheer at Texas High School. Becoming an University of Arkansas Cheerleader has always been a goal of mine, and it would also give me the opportunity to be an inspiration to kids just like me.
嗨,我的名字是Patience Beard,我是Texas High School的啦啦隊員。而成為Arkansas大學的啦啦隊員一直是我的一個目標,這也可以給我一個機會,去激勵那些與我處境相似的孩子們。
The first round of our tryout is by DVD, and with that comes a full...full-length picture. And I saw the picture first, and of course, that kind of startled me, because there was the zebra leg right away, and then pop that DVD in, and was just really excited about what we saw, and very impressed too, because I didn't anticipate her being that talented. We didn't know if she'd be able to reproduce them in tryouts, because she's stunting with somebody new. Umm...but she got here, and she could do it.
It was very nerve racking. You know, I didn't know anyone coming in, but um, as soon as you walked in, everyone was just so friendly.
That was part of the anticipation of her coming in. I want to see what she ugh...what she could or couldn't do, which is...I found out she can do quite a bit.
Of the thirty-five freshman who tried out for the Arkansas Squad, only eight made it, and Patience was one of them.
有三十五位新生參加Arkansas Squad的甄選,只有八位錄取,而Patience便是其中之一。
Well, I cried, for sure, because I was so...I got excited, and umm, saw the list, and I just started tearing up, and I was, you know, called my parents and told them, and...of course they started to cry.
I was very proud of her. Uh... It was definitely a big accomplishment for her.
Patience continues to be an inspiration for many, including those who have conditions similar to hers. Now that she's seen by more than seventy thousand people who fill Razorback Stadium on the Saturday, plus millions more watching Arkansas' nationally televised games. Her ability to be a role model for others is even greater.
It's nice to meet you. How are you doing today?
And of course she is a role model. I mean, there's no doubt she is a role model. Uh, I got a...had a picture sent to me today, where little kids were dressing up her locker for Halloween. I mean, so you know, so apparently she is definitely a role model. But you know, she is just a good person.
Patience has also taught those closest to her something about themselves.
I think about her and think about the courage that it takes for her to know that when she gets out there on that field, everybody's noticing her. And it just didn't stop her. She's fully embraced lots. And I hope someday that I can be as accepting of myself as she is as her...of herself.
She's a pretty remarkable overall.