Ten Surprising Facts about Google!
關於 Google 的十件驚奇事!
Number ten: If you go to Google homepage and type the words "I want to commit suicide," above all other search results, Google always lists the suicide hotline number from your country.
十:如果你到 Google 首頁並打下「我想自殺」這些字,在其它所有搜尋結果之上,Google 總是會列出你所處國家的防自殺熱線號碼。
Number nine: Google has a pet T-Rex named Stan, which lives at their California headquarters. Google's founders bought it to remind their employees to not let Google go extinct.
九:Google 有隻叫史丹的寵物暴龍,牠住在他們的加州總部。Google 創辦人們買下牠以提醒員工別讓 Google 滅亡。
Number eight: If you search the phrase "atari breakout" in Google images, a special screen comes up, where you can play the full game.
八:如果你在 Google 圖片搜尋「打磚塊」這詞,一個特別的畫面會跳出來,你可以在那畫面玩到完整的打磚塊遊戲。
Number seven: Corporate acquisitions are quickly becoming Google's biggest survival strategy. Google has, on average, bought a company every week since 2010.
七:企業併購正迅速成為 Google 最主要的生存策略。Google 從 2010 年開始平均每週收購一間公司。
Number six: After creating Google Earth, Google decided that just having an interactive map of earth wasn't enough. Now they also offer a service called Google Mars. There you can see a full map of Mars, with all of the red planet's biggest landmarks.
六:在創造出 Google 地球後,Google 決定只有地球的互動地圖並不夠。現在他們也提供了一個稱為 Google 火星的服務。你可以在那看見火星的完整地圖,上面有所有那紅色星球最大的地標。
Number five: Type any number in the search bar, and Google will spell it out for you. It's there in case you ever need it.
五:在搜尋欄打下任何數字,Google 會替你把那數字拼出來。這功能在那以防你哪天有需要。
Number four: If a Google employee dies while working for the company, their surviving spouse is still guaranteed to receive a check for half of their yearly salary for the next 10 years.
四:假如一位 Google 員工在職時去世,他們的配偶仍保證能拿到支票,未來十年每年都可以拿到一半年薪的支票。
Number three: Google uses goats to mow their lawn at their company headquarters.
Google employees prefer herds of goats to take care of the grounds rather than loud lawn mowers.
三:Google 用羊來整理總部草皮。Google 員工們比較喜歡讓羊群來照料土地,而不是吵死人的除草機。
Number two: Google's first-ever Twitter post was posted in February 2009. The message contained the following. In case you're not fluent in binary, the tweet says, "I'm feeling lucky."
二:Google 史上第一則 Twitter 貼文是在 2009 年二月發出。那則訊息有以下內容。以防你不熟悉電腦二進位語言,那則推文是寫:「好手氣。」
Number one: Ironically, the infamous "I'm Feeling Lucky" button on the Google homepage is almost never used by visitors to the site. But, in focus studies, it was found that removing the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button greatly upset users. Ever since, the button has remained firmly on the Google homepage.
一:諷刺地是,在 Google 首頁上臭名遠播的「好手氣」鈕幾乎從未被到訪網站的訪客使用過。然而,在注意力研究中,發現撤掉好手氣鈕大大造成使用者困擾。從那之後,好手氣鈕就安穩地留在 Google 首頁上了。
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